It was just published yesterday, and it talks about all the really exciting and varied options there are (stem cells, olfactory cells, estim, schwann cells, pharmeceuticals, ‘aggressive PT,’ and gene therapy) to hopefully treat SCI, and soon find a cure/treatment.
Advances offer hope for spinal cord injured patients
It’s just good to see this kind of stuff in the news.
The more public awareness on SCI, the better! For real! We can’t let Paris Hilton, pointless primary coverage, and news on Scarlett Johanson’s engagement hog the news ALL the time.
– Tiff
indeed. but I want to mention paris hilton, for all the idiocy she represents, brought SCI into the public eye when she attended the Life Rolls On event. we need more of this.
dont get me started on paris. she’s still a poser.
Appatrelny this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout.
sapphires? i dont get it. is scarlett’s ring a sapphire?
geez man STOP IT! 😉
that pic that that there is a T break i believe. and yes – “ouch” – pretty much sums it up.
Unless it was a xray of a giraffes sci, that has to be thoraic. My neck ain’t that long
its def thorasic.