9/26/12: Paralyzed race car driver ready to begin dating

Hey Tiffiny,

I was injured on August 13, 2005 racing motorcycles in Canada by braking my back. I was only 12 at the time. That was a huge change in my life with being paralyzed after. Up till I was injured, I had 14 national championships. I was having the time of my life! In 2007 I was cleared to start racing again which was very good!

By 2009 I had won another 3 championships racing go karts. In 2009 I started racing cars (kinda look like an IndyCar). In 2011 I was third in the Championship running with the best drivers in the U.S coming up the latter. This year is my first year running on a pro level racing cars. Its amazing! In a few years, hopefully I be racing IndyCar! I love what I do!

Dating On Wheels: Advice for a Lonely Lesbian

Hello Tiff-

I’m a 34 year old woman with cerebral palsy and I use a power chair. My first and only relationship was in high school. Dating with a disability is hard enough, but throw in the fact that I am a lesbian and it gets so much harder. The stereotype is that people with disabilities are not sexual beings, but then you throw in a deviant sexuality…

I am not in to the bar or club scene, but I am wishing I had someone in my life.

Thanks, Lonely Lesbian